Wednesday, January 20, 2010

things slowly go back the way they were...

I have one brief message today. TRY THIS.

Go to the plugin directory from Chrome and just search html5. Install it. Suddenly, youtube works like it never has before - clean, fast, and well.

I remember shocking the scientist Vince Cerf in the early 00's with my suggestion that he should promote and support HTML5 because I hated the poorly implemented XHTML B.S. and contradictory codes that were being abused by multiple browsers in the market dominance wars. HTML was sucky and still is, but version 5 cleans up a TON of problems. I threatened to release my own version of HTML5. He actually wrote back.

One thing it does is kick MSFT in the A$$. SGML is the patented basis for HTML, and that's something IBM invented in the freaking forties.

FORTIES, man. Think about it. IBM rocks, and never let anyone tell you differently. Best servers around apart from high-end specialty graphics systems by SONY, which partners with IBM by the way. PS3 Cell chip, anyone? Runs the fastest computers on the planet.

Anyway, I finally got flash replaced, since it doesn't even HAVE an installer for 64 bit OSes. No great loss. Viva la HTML5.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Microsoft stumble caught on film. Funny online.


On the same day that the big lawyer company admits to major, systemic, security failures in their flagship product, they turn around and admit that Windows Mobile is terrible. That's not exactly what they said, but it's what everyone heard. When you screw up at work, then blame the secretary for not answering the phone fast enough, everyone immediately knows that you fucked up. We all know what CYA is.

This is microsoft's CYA

Yeah. Linux is behind the android, HTC, nexus one, and everything else important on the market in phones - including the iPhone. Yeah, and Mobile 7 is a year behind or so on the release schedule. So, how is linux falling behind again?

Hiring Film

Since I've started working with people in the movie industry in the 80s, I've seen no end of lies, bullsheep, and outright fraud in and around Hollywood. One of the worst industries is 'the agency' industry, a scam-filled hate festival populated by charlatans on a good day.

I've seen so many friends and acquaintances go to these actor and modelling agencies, be told that they're 'in consideration' for a part, but that they 'recommend' a model or photo class in order to 'be sure' to get the role. After 2000 dollars or more, no further mention of job offers materialize. They make money in only one way and that's by tricking people into paying for classes.

NO ACTOR on Earth has ever been in any film you've seen in any theater, who came from one of these agencies. That's not how it works.

NO actor, NO model, and NO talented staff should ever be required to pay even a penny. The entire point of being a model is that YOU are the one to get paid. REAL agencies take a percentage of your income. They do not require up-front fees, and although they may suggest a class or two - they will point you to a reputable state college. It's unlikely that an agent would accept you as a model AND suggest that you take classes. What the 'take a class' suggestion means is that you don't know what the hell you're doing and you have no natural talent.

DO NOT PAY UP FRONT. DO NOT PAY AT ALL, except as a percentage deducted from your earnings. Agents, scouts, managers, et al get paid on PERCENTAGE unless you're already a megastar. They may then want a salary on TOP of the percentage if you're a 'name actor' or 'name model' who's already been on Vogue or in several movies. That's not likely to be you or me.