Friday, April 30, 2010

Internet Awards

There are a few types, the validity of which I'll leave up to you. Of course, the high-profile and highly visible "award" sites are commercially driven corporate efforts - as most Awards are, even the Oscars. Other, more specific awards, are driven by standards, performance, and achievements in the genre. The truest awards, in my not so humble opinion, is the cash award handed out by an anonymous individual, which is based upon a published criteria.

With that in mind, perhaps the greatest award with the highest transparency is "The Beacon". However, upon a quick read of that site one notices the very limited audience and participation. This is more of a "my home town" award.

The COOLEST award with any transparency at all, and with the HIGHEST participation of the public is The FWA.

After all, how many award sites would prominently display websites with F-bombs on them? This site is chock-full of humor, and on-target criticism of websites in general, and there are no sacred cows.

I've yet to see a better award site, even from commercial and wealthy sponsors, than the FWA. RECOMMENDED.

RE: (a sampling of random internet awards based on google ranking.)

Webby Awards are closed-source private-tallying awards handed out by a commercial entity.

The SXSW is an obvious commercial award site I'd never even heard of:

Britain has its own Webby:

Advertising Awards: