Monday, May 24, 2010

irresponsibility - not just limited to kids and fools.

Ubuntu has a serious problem, that of a set of persons operating the distribution who are remorselessly rude, beyond arrogant, and prone to throwing blame when people ask for help. Welcome back to IRC.

Most recently, the great Ubuntu team hosed up the distribution for yet another release, sending untested code out into the public. 10.04 is broken, and after you reboot, you won't have any more internet for a while. IF you manage to figure out how to disable IPV6, you MIGHT be able to get online, but then at a cost of losing IPV6.

Rolling back to 9.10 was never intended to be allowed, and rather than admit the mistake on either case, the forums are filled with arrogant and condescending vitriole directed at people asking for help.

I've had enough. I was never a huge fan of Debian based linux versions due to the arrogance of THAT team, and it seems to be contagious. I'm busily converting my servers over to SuSE. Those guys at Debian made me miss Slackware. The ubuntu crowd reminds me of the people on IRC who ban people who ask questions, and thus the failure of IRC to ever be very popular. It's hard to attract people to an environment controlled by trolls. Ubuntu could gain some popularity by learning how to be professional, and never releasing a beta version on the public again.


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